Jo Fry to Speak at the 2023 SBSGOAF

SBSGOAF is delighted to announce Jo Fry, artist, writer and sea glass historian who will be speaking both days at this year’s festival. The title of her lecture is “What did I Find"?.

Jo Fry is a self-proclaimed history and glass geek, who finds beauty and inspiration in the waste of the past.  Beachcombing rekindled the love that she had for creating, painting and writing, spurring her to research her sea glass and beach finds as thoroughly as she can.  She is a docent, volunteer archivist and the Bottle Curator for the Half Moon Bay History Association and has authored multiple articles on glass and history.  She knows that sea glass, pottery shards, and twisted old metal each tell a story: someone made them, used them, discarded them.  Who they were, why they did what they did, and what was happening in the world when they were discarded is fascinating to her.  It brings the history of a place alive and drives her to share her passion and education.  She will be talking about glass history, and how you can use this knowledge to help identify your finds.


Elks Lodge #613, 150 N Kellogg Ave, Santa Barbara


Saturday, September 9th from 12:00 PM - 1:00PM

Sunday September 10th, 2023 from 11:45PM -12:45PM

Topic: “What Did I Find?